A High-Vibe Minimal Evening Routine | WBT November 14, 2021

WBT (We’ve Been Thinking) is our weekly mini virtual “soul-therapy” sesh sent straight to your inbox every Sunday Morning, in which we cover a range of topics and give you actionable tips and tools that you can start applying today to raise your vibe and feel amazing. All in a less than 3-minute read. Interested in getting yours every Sunday? Sign up for our weekly newsletter below!

WBT… About the best 3-step evening routine!

The season for doing the most is over. Fall and spring (and even summer, to some extent) are great for that. The long days mean more time for perfecting your morning and evening routines.

But when the body craves rest and simplicity, it’s best to honour that! 

Here’s our favourite super-simple 3-step evening routine, perfect for raising your vibe while also slowing down:

1. Journaling: the best way to release the details of the day is a quick journaling sesh. Reflect on how the day went for you- the big wins and the times that could have gone better. No judgment. Write and release. And sprinkle a little gratitude in there for good measure!

2. Mindfulness: breathwork, yoga, meditation- whatever speaks to you and helps you unwind and de-stress. Tuning into you is one of the best ways to prime yourself for a restful and restorative sleep. And who doesn’t want that?

3. Sleep smarter: a good night’s sleep can be a fickle thing for many of us. Optimize your ZZZs by doing the little things that make a big difference- turn your wifi off, put your devices on airplane mode, pop a couple of magnesium capsules, turn the heat down, and get comfy in a dark room. Nighty night!

See? Simple! And do you know what the beauty of any good evening routine is? That it sets you up for restorative sleep, an energized morning, and an overall good day. Start tonight and watch the impact it has on the whole week.


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