When Making Change Feels Complicated | WBT August 29, 2021

WBT (We’ve Been Thinking) is our weekly mini virtual “soul-therapy” sesh sent straight to your inbox every Sunday Morning, in which we cover a range of topics and give you actionable tips and tools that you can start applying today to raise your vibe and feel amazing. All in a less than 3-minute read. Interested in getting yours every Sunday? Sign up for our weekly newsletter below!

WBT… About our complicated relationships with change and choices. 

Do you want to make a change in your life? 

And has anyone ever answered no to that question??

I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that your answer is yes. Maybe you’ve been ready for a while, maybe you just got ready today. Either way, if you’re not changing it, you’re choosing it! 

Yes, that can be a hard pill to swallow. But ask yourself: 

  1. What one thing have I changed in my life in the last year?

  2. What have I said I wanted to change but haven’t?

  3. What has held me back and why have I allowed it?

  4. What isn’t aligned here?

Reflect on this. When we’re successful at making a change, it’s because the outcome is more important to us than our resistance to what is required to get us there. 

It’s all about really knowing ourselves and what we want. Sometimes our own vision for our life is clouded by what the people around us want, or think we should want, or even by what we think we want because we have a false sense of ourselves.

The path through this requires that you stop, take a breath, spend some time with yourself without distractions, with a journal, and with a desire to know the beautiful person inside you. 

Not sure where to start? How about the here and now? Grab a journal and write out your answers to the questions above. Boom. You’re changing already!


“Back to Reality” Doesn’t Have to Suck! | WBT September 5, 2021


Tackling Distraction and Avoidance | WBT Aug 22, 2021