Three Little Words that Can Change Everything! | WBT March 20, 2022

WBT (We’ve Been Thinking) is our weekly mini virtual “soul-therapy” sesh sent straight to your inbox every Sunday Morning, in which we cover a range of topics and give you actionable tips and tools that you can start applying today to raise your vibe and feel amazing. All in a less than 3-minute read. Interested in getting yours every Sunday? Sign up for our weekly newsletter below!

WBT… About three little words that can change everything.

You know that voice in your head? Is she a cheerleader or a soul crusher? If she’s a cheerleader, you can amplify her. If she’s a soul crusher, you can tame her.

You are controlling your brain with the messages that you deliver. And as Dr. Kim D’Eramo says, 

“life will always reflect what’s going on in your mind.”

If what’s going on in your mind is judgment, intolerance and contempt for yourself, well, that affects your mindset and, therefore, your reality!

If you acknowledge and accept that what you tell yourself day after day affects how you feel, then you can change how you feel by changing your self-talk. Start raising your vibe today with these three little words:

Appreciation, Gratitude, and Love!


What if instead of finding what you don’t like about yourself every day, you found what you do like about yourself. Offer up three things every morning that you appreciate about yourself. Change them up. Next week, make it four things. Keep adding and changing! 

If every time you caught yourself in criticism, you turned that around and found something to praise, imagine how much better you’d feel! Practice being aware of how you talk to yourself about yourself throughout the day and do it differently. Would a friend speak about you like that? No? That’s your cue to tame that inner mean girl!


What if instead of focusing on everything that’s wrong in your life, you focused on what’s right and expressed gratitude for it? 

Let’s say the only thing right about your shitty little apartment is the lovely chair your mom gave you. Well, sit on that chair every day and be grateful for it. Maybe the only good thing about your mind-numbing 9-to-5 is the coworker you eat lunch with every day. Well, enjoy that lunch and be grateful for the lovely friend you’re having it with. 

Try this: Find one thing in every aspect of your life to be grateful for every day. Bonus points for writing it down. EXTRA bonus points for finding something new to be grateful for, no matter how small or mundane, every single week. 


Cultivate feelings of love. Love for yourself, love for the people in your life, love for humanity. Flaws and all

Get yourself in a state of appreciation and gratitude and help it extend to love by closing your eyes, putting your hands on your heart and breathing into your belly. Imagine someone or something that you love and let the energy of this spread through your body and beyond. And connect with people who lift you up in real life, as often as you can. 

I don’t want to close without acknowledging that sometimes circumstances in life can be truly devastating and that sometimes in life, there really seems like there’s very little to be grateful for. But you can for sure make that change. If you feel that right now, please reach out and we’ll help you start to make that happen.

And now the final point. This isn’t an overnight thing. Like everything we talk about here, it’s a practice. It takes some time and some effort to get to where you want to be. You just have to decide: do you want it to feel better? Vibe higher? 

If the answer is yes, let’s get started!


Three Easy Steps to Make Real Change | WBT April 3, 2022


The Key to Happiness | WBT March 13, 2022