10 Easy Self-Care Rituals To Connect You To Your Inner World

We probably all know and practise self-care for our physical bodies. And it works, right? You see the benefits when you do the things. But self-care is not just about meeting your physical needs. 

We know it's true that what you do for your body, you also do for your mind and soul. But we're talking about focusing on the mind and soul (which will, in turn, also support your body) so you can connect to your inner world. You know, that place where your mind and soul battle for control?

Lol. JK.

Though sometimes it feels like that. But seriously, your inner world is essentially central control. It's in there that every aspect of yourself is managed, whether you're consciously aware of it or not. So, I'm just saying it's worth exploring!

For the purpose of your inner world, self-care becomes soul-care. That's self-care for your mind and body. A solid soul-care routine will help you deal with stress and anxiety and help you process and release negative emotions.

It will help you understand yourself better and see and feel your emotions and feelings more clearly. This will help you connect with your inner world where you can do deep, deep soul care. And even help you answer the questions "who am I?" and "why am I here?".

That might sound a little daunting, but I bet you'll be surprised by just how easy this can be.

How easy? If you ever enjoy relaxing, then you've got this!

Heh, small disclaimer, you also need a little bit of discipline. Just enough to make yourself relax on the regular. Think you can do it? I think you can too!

So what are we talking about? We're talking about stacking yourself a daily practice, just a few simple things that fill your cup that you can do in about thirty minutes. Either all at once or broken up a little in a way that suits you. It will be your practice, so it will need to suit you.

30 minutes. Imagine that. If you keep it up...

person doing self-care

You can change your whole life in as little as thirty minutes a day. 

Okay, okay. Before you tell me that you don't have thirty minutes, I need to lovingly tell you that you do.

I promise you that a daily self-care routine will create time. That even though you feel like you're spending time, there's a return on investment beyond the benefits I've already shared. And that is that you have more time

How can that be, you ask? Because you are proactively supporting your body, mind and soul. You are starting your day with a full cup, smoothing out the bumps with your high-vibe attitude and making time work for you instead of the other way around.

You're doing less distracting, less ruminating on your problems, less focusing on your negative emotions, and less feeling stuck and not moving forward. When you spend less time on all of that because you're nourishing and growing yourself, you end up with more of it!

Now you might be wondering how a daily ritual can do all that. I get it. I will share that. But first, let's talk about some things that you would do in a self-care routine. Some that you might not be aware of. So you can see how beautiful, how relaxing, how soothing and how supporting it can be. 

How you start, your day is how you live your day and how you live your day is how you live your life.

Louise Hay

Choose up to three of these for each soul-care session. Note the recommended minimum times so you can choose the time you'll spend based on the time you have.

  1. Active Gratitude

    Find something to be grateful for each and every day. Make a point of changing it up, being creative and getting to the core of why you're grateful for the things. 2 minutes.

  2. Reading

    Have a book on the go that will help you connect to your inner world. 10 minutes. And when you need a distraction during the day, reflect on what you read, how it applies to your life and what you can do with the information. Here are a few suggestions from our bookshelf:

    The Seat Of The Soul by Gary Zukav 

    A Return To Love by Marianne Williamson

    The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer

    The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle 

  3. Heart-Brain Coherence

    Connect your heart to your mind with this practice from The HeartMath Institute. 5 minutes.

  4. Music

    Ideally uplifting, high vibe, music of a genre you enjoy. Or you can try some chakra healing music. 5 minutes. 

  5. Reflection and Journaling

    Use daily reflection questions or just journal on whatever is coming up for you. 5 minutes.

  6. Use Your Senses

    Step outside and smell the air, wiggle your toes on the ground or feel the snow crunching underfoot, hear the birds, see the leaves rustling in the wind. Just pay attention to what is happening outside of and beyond you and appreciate the wonders of our world. 5 minutes. 

  7. Eden Energy Routine

    Balance your energy body and clear and strengthen your aura to support and protect your physical and emotional health. 5 minutes.

  8. Soul-Soothing Bath

    Your favourite scents, maybe a little oil or calming Epsom salts and some relaxing music. Step into soothing relaxation. 15 minutes.

  9. Cuddle Time with Your Pet

    Up your oxytocin by spending some one-on-one time with your pet. Cuddle up and enjoy. 5 minutes. 

  10. Meditation

    Sit with yourself, close your eyes, clear your mind (but expect thoughts to come) and tune into the quiet. Breath deeply in and out and connect. 6 minutes.

girl doing self-care

So, there you have it. Ten ideas to inspire you to make your daily ritual yours. Choose what you love, what you like or what you think you can learn to enjoy from this list.

Depending on your work schedule and your daily rhythm, you may want to make this a morning routine, an evening routine or just do it any time in between. You might choose to break things up a bit - I have both a morning and an evening routine. 

You see, the key is, it doesn't matter so much what you're doing; it's about finding the things that fill you up and help settle your mind and soothe your soul. That's going to be personal to you.

It's these things that help you connect to your inner world where you'll also find the real, deep-down, authentic you. Being present both with yourself and for yourself opens that door. And it doesn't have to be scary in there.

The more you understand and connect with yourself, the more clearly you see your habits, patterns, and triggers. This awareness is the first step to transmuting your emotions, becoming more compassionate towards yourself and finally becoming happier, more connected and more real. 

This. This is finally getting inside, which can take you from unconscious surviving to conscious thriving. Are you ready to start?

Tell us what you're going to do in the comments!


Tackling Distraction and Avoidance | WBT Aug 22, 2021


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